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Susan Turcot – "10 Days Drawing in an Oil Camp"
5. 6. –28. 6. 2014

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During the time I spent with the workers, I had the feeling of being stranded in a no-man’s land. The flight from their own reality of work revealed itself in their concentration on other places that had nothing to do with the destructive force of oil sand mining that penetrates everything. Fueled by high wages, the employees are subject to an escapism determined by the omnipresent lonesomeness of this inhumane environment. In the end, I gave the drawn portraits to the workers.

The 18 coal drawings show my personal translations of their stories into a surreal drawing.” *

In this exhibition, both the drawn translations of the biographies of the individual drawn workers and the reproduction of the drawn portraits as well as superimpositions of portraits and landscapes will be on view. Susan Turcot has been invited to this year’s Montreal Biennale (10/9 – 01/14/2015).

* Susan Turcot