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Mikrotexturen III
Philip Loersch  Uwe Oldenburg  Sabine Richter  Julia Schmid
January 9 – Januar 30, 2014

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In the third edition of the "Mikrotexturen" exhibition series, drawing and graphic approaches encounter each other, which, based on entirely different premises, have each sought and found for themselves a position between scientific modes of precise depiction and subjectively grasped textural substrates. What varies is not only the degree of “resolutions” in drawing and the dimensions of graphical subtlety but also the conceptions regarding the subjective localization of drawing in relation to photography, diagrams and handwriting. The respective proximity to the aesthetics of the natural and the natural sciences plays a special role.

In the works of Philipp Loersch, a research-oriented self-understanding takes shape along these lines, in which the claim to objectivity made by the scientific diagram and the photographic image paradigm is taken up and relativized with the help of a different, slower precision in the “handwriting” of the field researcher shown at varying distances. Scales, dimensions, perspectival hierarchies and illusionistic claims to authenticity experience an effective artistic differentiation in the variation and nuances of drawn textures – they are presented as decisions of a focused subject.