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Matthias Reinhold   "Ich sichere meine Existenz" / "I secure my existence"
15.1. - 27.2.2010

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I am delighted to start the new year with the third exhibition by Matthias Reinhold in my gallery. In this show, he continues the drawing project “Ikonolog”, which he began in 2007, using the structural principle of a Weblog as the starting point, an associative, infinite chain of images. By now, a comprehensive picture archive has been created. „ . The drawings in identical format constitute the inventory, out of which he repeatedly creates new and different combinations of images and concepts. He places individual sheets together with others to form groups, now and then accompanying them with large format panoramic vistas. However, such combinations are variable. The artist preselects them and yet it is by no means a fixed procedure. His connections follow a subjective rather than a rational or even scientific order,

even if one can discern a particular trail of associations or leitmotifs. In this way small sections of the world open up, sections that are less intent upon depicting the world than revealing processes of knowledge and its dissemination. Reinhold is following the human ability to annex and explain the world with the aid of language and images. Image “eikon” and word “logos” inhabit a dynamic relationship here, for one is able to extrapolate from the specific to the general on the basis of his drawing; one searches moreover for plausible connections, one constructs one’s own conceptual, mini world or microcosm from the host of suggested elements.” *

* Astrid Mania in: „Compilation., IV , Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 2009, S. 95-97